Baja administrativa y despido académico
La Universidad Excelsior se reserva el derecho de despedir académicamente a los estudiantes de un programa de título o certificado o de retirar administrativamente a los estudiantes de la Universidad cuando esté justificado. El despido académico de un programa puede ser el resultado de que un estudiante no mantenga una buena posición académica, no realice un progreso académico satisfactorio, no obtenga las calificaciones requeridas en ciertos requisitos del programa, no siga la política de integridad académica de la Universidad, etc. El retiro administrativo de la Universidad puede ser el resultado de asuntos fiscales no resueltos, violación de las políticas de la Universidad, mala conducta, etc.
Despido académico
Los estudiantes pueden ser expulsados académicamente de su programa de titulación o certificado por las siguientes razones:
- No mantener un buen nivel académico (es decir, Suspensión de estudios). Los estudiantes expulsados académicamente de un programa por este motivo no pueden apelar su expulsión.
- Acumulación de 6 calificaciones de cursos de Baja Administrativa (AW) en cursos de grado o 4 calificaciones AW en cursos de postgrado. Los estudiantes expulsados académicamente de un programa por este motivo no pueden apelar su expulsión.
- Exceder los plazos de finalización del programa. Véase más abajo.
- Exceeding the number of attempts permitted for a non-nursing course required to be taken at Excelsior as outlined in the Repeating Sources of Credit procedure and/or the Grade Scale, GPA, and Credit Application policy. See the University catalog for details. See below for further procedural steps.
- Failure to earn the minimum grade required in any undergraduate nursing component / major core requirement of an undergraduate nursing program within two attempts. See the University catalog for details. See below for further procedural steps.
Students academically dismissed from a program for reasons 3, 4, or 5 above may not appeal their dismissal, but may be eligible to transfer to a different program within 60 days of their dismissal, provided they meet the admission requirements of the new program. If the student has not transferred after 60 days, they will be administratively withdrawn from the University.
For all academic dismissal reasons listed above other than reason 3, students may appeal to apply for readmission to a program after academic dismissal. The appeal must be submitted to the dean of the school offering the program. The student must provide information on what has changed since their previous enrollment that will allow them to be successful. If the appeal is granted, students will need to reapply to the University and will be subject to policies in effect at the time of admission. Students academically dismissed for reason 3 may not be readmitted into the same program as they have reached their program time limit. However, they may select a different program, assuming enrollment eligibility requirements are met.
Retirada administrativa
Los estudiantes pueden ser retirados administrativamente de la Universidad por las siguientes razones:
- By request of the student. Students who wish to withdraw from the University should either use the online withdrawal request form located in the MyExcelsior portal or send a signed request to the Office of The Registrar. Students administratively withdrawn from the University for this reason may reactivate their enrollment to their original academic policy date within 90 days of withdrawal with a new signed request by the student, which must be sent to the attention of the Office of the Registrar. After 90 days, the student will need to reapply to the University and will be subject to the policies in effect at the time of admission.
- For failure to resolve student account balances. Students administratively withdrawn from the University for this reason may reactivate their enrollment to their original academic policy date within 90 days of withdrawal by resolving any balance on their student account. After 90 days, the student will need to reapply to the University and will be subject to the policies in effect at the time of admission.
- For failure to meet credit accumulation requirements as outlined in the Admission and Enrollment policy. Students administratively withdrawn from the University for this reason may reactivate their enrollment to their original academic policy date within 90 days of withdrawal by contacting their academic advisor with a plan for degree progression. After 90 days, the student will need to reapply to the University and will be subject to the policies in effect at the time of admission.
- For violation of University policies. The student will be notified in writing that they have been suspended pending administrative withdrawal from the University. Students will have 30 calendar days to appeal to the provost regarding the pending administrative withdrawal. See the Student Complaints, Appeals, and Exceptions policy for additional information about possible reengagement with the University.
- For failure to maintain the health, safety, or welfare of the campus community. Students administratively withdrawn from the University for this reason may appeal to the provost for permission to reapply to Excelsior after one year. They will need to provide information on what has changed since their previous enrollment that will allow them to be successful. If the appeal is granted, students will need to reapply to the University and will be subject to policies in effect at the time of admission.
- For behavioral misconduct. The University reserves the right to involuntarily withdraw a student if there is sufficient evidence that the student is engaging in, or is likely to engage in, behavior that either poses a danger or disrupts the learning or living environment of others. Students withdrawn from the University for this reason are not eligible for reengagement with the University.
Si un estudiante es retirado administrativamente por las razones 4, 5 ó 6, el expediente del estudiante será anotado para reflejar esta acción. En primer lugar, el estudiante será suspendido y dispondrá de 30 días para apelar la baja administrativa pendiente. Si el estudiante apela y la apelación no tiene éxito o el estudiante no apela, su expediente académico se cambiará a una baja administrativa. El expediente del estudiante se marcará para bloquear futuras inscripciones y matriculaciones en cursos. Todos los servicios de asesoramiento y evaluación previamente disponibles para el estudiante se darán por terminados. Una vez dado de baja administrativamente por estos motivos, el estudiante no podrá volver a apelar.