Procedure for Student Concerns and Appeals

Procedure for Student Concerns and Appeals

Students must first use direct communication with the individual or department involved. Any concern perceived as unresolved may be shared with supporting documentation and escalated to:

Financial matters should be directed to:

  • Receipt of appeal letters will be acknowledged when received.
  • The student support team will review all correspondence and supporting documentation to determine next steps, resolutions or decisions on outcomes.
  • All details are placed in the student record and communicated as needed.

      Notificación a la agencia acreditadora

      Un estudiante que no esté satisfecho con la resolución proporcionada por la Universidad puede presentar una queja por escrito ante la agencia acreditadora de la Universidad, la Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Las quejas a la Comisión deben presentarse por escrito y estar firmadas por el demandante.

      Deben enviarse a

      Comisión de Estados Medios sobre Educación Superior
      3624 Market Street, Filadelfia, PA 19104-2680.

      Notificación a las autoridades estatales

      A student may also file a complaint with the appropriate state agency within the state in which the student resides. A list of contact information for the appropriate state agencies is available on the University’s website at

      Notificación al Acuerdo de Reciprocidad de Autorización Estatal (SARA)

      As an institution participating in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), students residing in SARA states/territories may contact our home state SARA State Portal Entity (New York State Education Department) to file a complaint if resolution is not found within the institution. However, students cannot file complaints relating to grades or student conduct violations. Information can be found on our website at: