Webinar: Mentoring Women and Minorities in Cybersecurity – Discovering Your Role

On April 4, the National Cybersecurity Institute (NCI) hosted a webinar on Mentoring Women and Minorities in Cybersecurity.

In today’s global workforce, technology plays a key role in almost every corner of decision-making. Executives continue to be challenged with the security of information, government regulations to maintain compliance, and staff training to prevent insider threats. Many careers are being built, and strong relational networks are being formed.See webinar in full screen

The webinar discussed questions like: Where do you fit in this new matrix of skills? How do you access the people that can help you solidify your career path in Cyber Security?

This webinar is part of a new series on Women and Minorities in Cybersecurity.

The webinar was presented by Tasha Phelps. Tasha is nothing short of a seasoned professional in the IT industry. She has over 20 years of professional and academic experience writing, developing and implementing technical solutions for businesses, and governmental agencies.  In her 19-year old company, Phelco Technologies, she has been fortunate in serving clients nation-wide, with the support of a team of application developers, graphic designers and project managers.  Her strengths exist in being able to understand (and apply) technical security functions for clients.  Tasha is able to communicate, very well, to the C-suite of decision makers, by helping them understand the impact of making decisions about technology.  She says that the credit of the success in her business should be given to her staff because they are committed to achieving results, rather than just crossing a task off the list.  Moving forward, she looks to be of significant thought to government agencies as they consider employing stronger technical defense tools to secure information.