Career Spotlight: Wellness Coordinator

What is a wellness coordinator?
Do you have a passion for fitness and health, and want to turn your passion into a career? If you find yourself stuck in a job that isn’t for you and live a healthy lifestyle, a wellness coordinator role might be for you. Wellness coordinator positions are popping up across all industries. You might see a wellness coordinator on your corporate human resources team, at an after-school program, or maybe even at the gym you go to! The goal of a wellness program stays the same for any industry: it is to promote a healthy lifestyle. Wellness coordinators use their knowledge of fitness, health, and nutrition to promote and provide a healthy lifestyle for the employees or community members of the organization they are employed by.
What does a wellness coordinator do?
Wellness coordinators plan fitness and wellness programs and services. Wellness coordinators can work in a variety of different settings, including corporate offices, fitness centers, hospitals, and more. This means job duties vary depending on the industry.
Job responsibilities for any wellness coordinator role can include:
● Manage recreational fitness facilities to ensure a safe and clean environment.
● Provide group discussions or meetings on certain health topics, including managing your existing conditions, self-care seminars, smoking cessation programs, etc.
● Prepare wellness programs such as first-aid training, blood drives, and informational presentations.
● Supervise staff, including fitness instructors, assistants, and nutritionists.
● Coordinate fitness groups in the workplace such as a lunchtime walking group.
● Promote a healthy lifestyle within the organization’s community.
Wellness coordinators are also responsible for staying up to date with health care, fitness, and nutrition trends. In some jobs, a wellness coordinator may be asked to research and analyze a specific community to identify their needs. Wellness coordinators can also be an advocate for employees to improve health resources and policies within the company.
How to become a wellness coordinator
People who find themselves in wellness coordinator positions come from all different backgrounds. It is, however, important to practice what you preach, meaning living a healthy lifestyle must be a priority for you. Experience promoting a healthy lifestyle is also a bonus; maybe you joined a health club or participated in a nutritional program. These experiences are valuable to the role of a wellness coordinator.
Lastly, continuing your education is always a good idea! Whether you are a career changer or have been working in the health care field for years, a graduate certificate in nutrition would definitely set you up for a successful career as a wellness coordinator.