Course Feature: NUR 456 Leadership and Management in Nursing

Are you interested in expanding your interests into the administrative side of nursing? You may consider signing up for NUR 456 Leadership and Management in Nursing. In this course, students study the application of leadership and management concepts and theories; interprofessional communication and collaboration; and evidence-based strategies and inquiry within health care organizations. The Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Manager Certificate Program is integrated into NUR 456 throughout the semester and students will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program.
Specific topics covered in this course are vast and broken into six different areas: leadership, management, communication, health care environments and systems, fiscal management/budget concepts, and quality, safety, and outcomes evaluation. In the leadership module, students study leadership skills and strategies, team building, and change, innovation, and conflict management. In management, students cover supervision, human relations management, organizational structure and culture, and strategic planning and organizing patient care. In the next two modules, students study interdisciplinary communications and creative strategies for problem solving, as well as trends and legal aspects and changes in health care systems. Budget concepts are covered in module five and evidence-based strategies and patient safety are covered in the last module.
NUR 456 is a required course in the RN to BS in Nursing program, but Caroline Mosca, faculty program director in nursing, says of the course: “I think it is one of the more interesting ones as it is central to how [the students’] role will change as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse—they will be able to embrace leadership roles.” She adds that the course prepares students for leadership roles in nursing and helps them transition to a baccalaureate-prepared nurse.
Students have enjoyed this course, saying, “This class provides an overview of management. A different side of nursing most associate nurses never see,” and “I have learned a lot from this class. My instructor was fully engaged in discussions and helped me realize different aspects of leadership and management skills.”
Faculty, too, have had high praise for teaching the course. Instructor comments include: “The discussion for budget/staffing was excellent; students shared numerous positive comments [and] the ethical scenario generated a robust student conversation.” and “I believe the difference between management and leadership really resonated with the students, evident by the discussion forum.”
If you’d like to explore the management and leadership side of nursing, sign up for NUR 456 for next semester.