ADA Accommodations for Students

ADA Accommodations for Students

The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) defines a disability as any physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” Major life activities include, but are not limited to, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working. The ADA requires an institution of higher education to provide accommodations to a qualified individual with a disability, provided that the accommodation does not: 1) fundamentally alter the nature of an academic program, or 2) create undue hardship to the institution. An undue hardship refers to proposed accommodations that are impossible, unfeasible, or excessively disruptive or burdensome to administer. Both matriculated and non-matriculated students may request accommodations from Excelsior University.

Additionally, the University is required to abide by the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act which protects otherwise qualified individuals from discrimination on the basis of disability. To be considered otherwise qualified, a student with a disability must be capable, either with or without accommodation, of fulfilling the essential requirements of the educational program.


This procedure outlines the process for requesting accommodations including documentation required and the types of accommodation provided.

How to Apply for an Accommodation

To apply for an accommodation, students engage the 2-Step Accommodation Process available on the Excelsior University website.

STEP 1: Student completes the Accommodation Request Form to self-disclose their accommodation needs.

STEP 2: The student's medical provider completes the General Verification Form, the Verification of Pregnancy Form, and/or submits medical documentation verifying the student's current limitation(s), prognosis and/or disability. Submission instructions are included on the forms.

Students are notified via email of the status of their requests every step of the way. Excelsior's Student Support Team is available to answer questions or provide more information at or 1-877-852-5692.

Excelsior students only need to request their accommodations once unless they have been notified by the Student Support Team or have temporary disabilities. Accommodation requests should be submitted at least three (3) weeks (15 business days) prior to the course term. Late requests may result in accommodations not being available at the start of the course term. Accommodations are never retroactive, and the request deadline coincides with late registration closing dates.

Once an accommodation request is received, the Student Success Team creates a verified disability file and, once verified, an accommodation plan for each student that remains on record and carries with the student throughout their time at Excelsior University. Returning students should consult with the Student Success Team to ensure their accommodation plans are verified. This is visible to staff who support the student and allows Excelsior to best serve individual and unique student needs holistically. The Student Support Team automatically receives notice when a student with a verified disability registers for a course(s) so the approved accommodation plans can be communicated to the course instructors prior to the course start date, with a copy to the student.

In the event a student’s accommodation request is denied, students may write to to explain their situation for further review with Student Success leadership.

Examples of Accommodations

Accommodations are provided to individuals on a case-by-case basis. Each individual is unique, and each course may impose different barriers to equal access. To the extent possible, the University will maintain a barrier-free web site.

Accommodations for Excelsior University Courses

Students with disabilities who are taking Excelsior University courses may request accommodations providing that they do not fundamentally alter the validity, interactivity, or content of the course. Excelsior University seeks to develop courses which are ADA compliant and accessible to all students. Examples of modifications for courses include:

  • Extended time to complete assignments, discussions, and any testing
  • Provision of alternate print or presentation formats (e.g., books in enlarged print, Braille). Additional information and application by the student is required to obtain publisher’s files in electronic format. Publishers require that the student be registered for the course, provide proof that the textbook has been purchased, and certification that any electronic file provided will be used by that student for the course indicated. Students with print-based disabilities should purchase the e-version of the textbook if available. If an e-version is not available, such students should make a request 6-8 weeks prior to the start of the term since the request must be sent to individual publishers.
  • Extensions of the course. If a student submits a request for an extension this must be requested of and approved by the faculty/instructor; this is outside of accommodations and plans. See the Course Extension policy for further details.
  • Accommodations for the clinical practice experiences. All students must be able to safely care for hospitalized adult and pediatric patients, addressing their physical needs (including mobility) and psychological needs. Students are expected to satisfy the Technical Standard for the nursing degree programs. Students may access and review the technical standards in the University catalog. Where appropriate, accommodations for the clinical practice experiences may include but are not limited to: use of an amplified stethoscope, use of electronic devices for assessing vital signs, sign language interpreter.
  • Special note regarding accommodations for the clinical practice experiences: The clinical site hospitals may determine that some accommodations requested are not appropriate for the hospital facility. In this case the facility may decline to approve the student’s request to take the clinical at their facility, and the nursing degree program staff will assist the student to find an alternative clinical site.

Management of Student Information

Students who submit accommodation requests and self-disclose their needs agree to the following on the request form:

“By checking the box below, I agree to self-disclose my disability/disabilities, and allow access to all related records, course accommodations and correspondence with my academic advisor, course instructors, staff and faculty who help provide access and the services I need to be successful during my Excelsior University journey. I further certify with the same force and effect as if this form were submitted with my signature affixed that the above statements are true and correct.”

Access to information regarding student requests for accommodation is on a “need to know” basis consistent with the requirements of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 USC 1232g and related regulations at 34 CFR Part 99 regarding the confidentiality of and access to student records. To preserve student confidentiality, all information regarding requests for or delivery of accommodations is housed in a secure ADA database and access is restricted to staff supporting the student as described in the agreement on the request form above.

Excelsior University receives and retains in a secure manner all inquiries and requests for accommodation and the required documentation. Requests for accommodation and related documentation will be scanned into the ADA database and the original documents will be retained by the University during the period of the student’s enrollment.