Career Spotlight: Nursing Home Administrator

Nursing home administrators are responsible for all facets of running a nursing home facility including staff, finances, and more. One of their main responsibilities is to ensure all residents are provided with proper care and have the best quality of life while residing at the facility.

Some people consider nursing home administration to be one of the most important yet underrated professions in health care. While the duties may vary from facility to facility, or state to state, the underlying goal of nursing home administrators is to provide the best care that always affords residents their dignity.

Nursing Home Administrator Job Responsibilities

Nursing home administrators manage staff, admissions, finances, and facilities, as well as the care of residents in the nursing home. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the following are key job responsibilities:

• Develop departmental goals and improve efficiency and quality in delivering services.
• Ensure the facility is up to date and compliant with laws and regulations.
• Recruit, train, and supervise staff, as well as create work schedules, and communicate with staff and department heads about residential needs.
• Monitor budgets and manage the facility’s finances, such as patient fees and billing.

Nursing home administrators may also work with other facilities, doctor’s offices, or local hospitals to provide the right care for their patients.

Nursing Home Administrator Qualifications

Higher education is key to gaining the skills and knowledge needed to be a successful nursing home administrator. While a bachelor’s degree in nursing, health care, or a related field (combined with work experience) will increase your chances of securing a job, most states and facilities require a master’s degree in health care administration or a related field. Great candidates for these positions would also have work experience in either an administrative or clinical role in a hospital or other health care facility. In fact, many nursing home administrators were registered nurses before moving into this role and continuing their education.

According to the BLS, these are the most important qualities candidates should have:

• Analytical skills: It is imperative to understand and follow regulations and adapt to new laws.
• Interpersonal skills: Nursing home administrators discuss confidential information with other health care professionals and need to deal with any staffing or resident issues.
• Leadership skills: Administrators need to be flexible, creative, and adaptable to find solutions to administrative problems, as well as to train and lead staff.

All states require licensure for nursing home administrators; requirements vary from state to state. For more information on specific state-by-state licensure requirements, visit the National Association of Long Term care Administrator Board. In New York state, a nursing home cannot operate without a nursing home administrator who holds a valid nursing home administrators license and registration.

Why Become a Nursing Home Administrator

Nursing home administrators can make a positive impact on residents and their families, as well as on the staff of their facility. Employment is projected to grow by 32 percent by 2030, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. As the baby-boomer population ages and people remain active much later in life, there will be an increased demand for health care services, particularly nursing home administrators, and the staff who work in the facilities. The median annual salary for a nursing home administrator was $104,280 in May 2020. If you are looking for a significant role in the health care industry, a nursing home administrator job is for you. Learn more about your educational path to a rewarding career.