Excelsior Cares in Action

2018 Highlights

15 Cities → 46 Volunteers → 100+ Hours

Be inspired by your fellow alumni and volunteer for Excelsior Cares!

Tanya Whitney ’86, ’91 (far left) lead a group of students from St. Amant High School where she is the track and field coach in a service project in their hometown. This year, Tanya and her students reworked flower beds, painted, and did some general clean up at Ascension Veterans Memorial Park in Sorrento, LA.

Steven Carriere ’16, ’18 of Maine traveled to Key West, FL from April 1-7, 2018 to volunteered with Habitat for Humanity of the Lower Florida Keys, assisting families whose homes were damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Irma in 2017. The event was coordinated by Diana Nyad, long distance swim record holder.

For the second year in a row, Sandy Butterfield ’86 (far right) organized a group of alumni to volunteer in the soup kitchen at the Third Avenue Charitable Organization (T.A.C.O.) in San Diego.

Volunteering on the job! Kane Tomlin ’12, ’14 took some time out of his workday to participate in a blood drive sponsored by his employer, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Allan Welchez ’12, ’16 (left) recruited volunteers to participate in Operation Stand Down Central Texas, which provided veterans in communities near Fort Hood with essential medical and records screening, clothing, haircuts, food and showers – all in one day and one location.

Special thanks to the following volunteers who led projects for Excelsior Cares 2018:

Sandra Butterfield ’86
Sandy led two groups of volunteers in feeding the homeless at the Third Avenue Charitable Organization

Ann Irr Dagle ’00
Ann welcomed volunteers wishing to assist with events and fundraising programs for her own nonprofit, Brian’s Healing Hearts Center for Hope and Healing

Steve Carriere ’16, ’18
Steve recruited volunteers to join him in a Habitat for Humanity build in Key West, FL

Jodie Hammerberg ’16
South Carolina
Jodie organized a volunteer experiene at the Golden Harvest Food Bank in August, GA

Margaret Brown ’08, ’12
North Carolina
Margaret recruited volunteers to assist her in teaching a group of youth how to write stories for publication

Allan Welchez ’12, ’16
Allan led a group of volunteers in providing support services for veterans during the 3rd Annual Spring Operation Stand Down

Dwayn Hanford ’05
Dwayn organized a clean up day at Accotink Creek