Faculty Focus: Carl Bradshaw

I’m a retired Army officer and I have been working in the military or with veterans continuously for 37 years. I retired from active duty as a U.S. Army military intelligence officer in 2005. I served with the 101st Airborne Division in the Sinai, the 1st Armored Division during operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm, the 3rd Infantry Division in Germany, and the 10th Mountain Division in Bosnia-Herzegovina. I am a lifetime member of Disabled American Veterans and Veterans of Foreign Wars, and I am a member of the American Legion. I continue to help my fellow veterans with their VA disability claims.
I earned master’s degrees from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in military art and science and the National Intelligence University in strategic intelligence. Additionally, I have graduate certificates in distance learning and adult and organizational learning, along with a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Educational Leadership from Northeastern University.
I have been an adjunct instructor with Excelsior College since spring 2012. I’ve had the pleasure of teaching five courses, including Great Military Leaders, Military Leadership, and the Military Studies capstone course. I enjoy spending time with my family, travelling, comedy, learning, and New England sports. You could run into me skiing in Vermont, at the beach in Newport, on a roller coaster at Six Flags New England, at a Providence College Friars basketball game, or at Gillette Stadium on many given Sundays. (Go Patriots!)
Teaching and learning at Excelsior College has helped me with any withdrawals I would have had from my military career. There is a great mix of students who continue to serve on active duty, do so in other governmental capacities, or who are now veterans or family members from other services. Quite often, several students in a class bring many years of experience with them, adding significantly to the dialogue. The diversity and experience of our students makes the classroom an exciting place to learn.
In my over 35 years of professional service, each day has required leadership skills in some way. In homage to my favorite leadership doctrine of “Be-Know-Do,” I embrace, challenge myself, or struggle with one aspect of each category every day. I try to be a person of integrity and character; it helps me sleep better at night. My expertise in the intelligence realm, national security, leadership, and Veterans Administration claims process has helped countless students and veterans. Lastly, I work hard every day, anticipating challenges and seeking opportunities, planning for the future while enjoying the present.
I look at education in military leadership as a “combat multiplier.” It enhances one’s experience and encourages one to reflect on successes and mistakes. Because the military requires leadership skills under the most difficult of circumstances, it is somewhat unique, but is still transferable to other circumstances. Veterans will find many leadership challenges in our society, world, and life. I have to say that what I’ve learned about leadership in the classroom as a student and professor has enhanced my life’s experiences tremendously.
It’s never too early or late to start or continue your education. It may provide some immediate results such as a promotion, but also consider the long-term impact on your personal development, your family, or that opportunity that is made possible down the road by a degree you earn now. “Be all you can be” and I hope to see you in an Excelsior classroom soon.