Exploring Different Types of Bachelor’s Degrees

Welcome to the diverse and intriguing world of bachelor’s degrees. These valuable educational credentials may help open doors to a range of benefits that can significantly enhance career prospects, widen your knowledge base, and enrich your life experiences.

Our experts at Excelsior University put together this comprehensive guide exploring the different types of bachelor’s degrees, so you can better understand which one is right for you.

How Long Does It Take to Earn a Bachelor’s Degree?

In most traditional settings, a bachelor’s degree takes around four years to complete if pursued full-time. This timeline is typically structured around two semesters per year, each consisting of 10 to 15 credit hours. However, this timeline can vary depending on several factors, including your chosen field of study, the pacing of the curriculum, and any previous credits that you might be able to transfer into the program.

For example, at Excelsior University, our flexible distance learning format is designed to accommodate adult learners who might need to balance their education with other life responsibilities, potentially lengthening the time to completion.

Benefits of Earning a Bachelor’s Degree

Earning a bachelor’s degree comes with many benefits. From economic advantages to personal growth, the benefits of obtaining a bachelor’s degree are extensive.

Increased Job Opportunities and Marketability

A bachelor’s degree significantly broadens your employment horizons. In today’s increasingly competitive job market, a bachelor’s degree is almost a must-have.

Many employers require a bachelor’s degree for entry-level positions, and even in cases where it’s not a requirement, a bachelor’s degree can still give you a competitive edge. A degree signals to potential employers your ability to commit to a long-term goal, your perseverance in achieving it, and your willingness to invest in your professional development.

It speaks volumes about your abilities and skills, making you more attractive in the job market and expanding your career opportunities. A bachelor’s degree can also be your passport to industries and roles that are otherwise inaccessible.

Gain an In-Depth Understanding of a Specific Field

A bachelor’s degree is not merely a piece of paper; it represents years of rigorous study and deep exploration of a particular subject.

This focused study allows you to build an in-depth understanding of your chosen field, developing a nuanced understanding of its concepts, theories, and methodologies. This expertise can set you apart in the job market—especially in industries that require a high level of specialized knowledge.

A bachelor’s degree also provides a solid foundation for advanced study if you want to pursue additional education in the future.

Higher Salary Potential

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, bachelor’s degree holders earn, on average, significantly more than those with only a high school diploma.

The best part? This increased earning potential persists throughout your life. Every year, you have the potential to make even more money.

Expand Your Network

The journey to earning a bachelor’s degree presents a lot of opportunities for networking. The relationships your form can become an invaluable part of your professional journey, providing support, mentorship, and job opportunities.

Your connections can introduce you to industry insiders or even potential employers.

Pathway Toward Advanced Education

A bachelor’s degree is often the stepping stone to further educational opportunities, such as a master’s or doctoral degree program. If your career aspirations involve leadership roles, research, academia, or specialized professions, a bachelor’s degree is the essential gateway to these advanced programs.

Personal Fulfillment

Apart from the professional and financial benefits, earning a bachelor’s degree brings a profound sense of personal accomplishment. It’s a testament to your dedication, perseverance, and intellectual curiosity.

The journey challenges you, builds your resilience, and bolsters your confidence, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

Most Common Types of Bachelor’s Degrees

Having explored the benefits, let’s turn our attention to some of the most common types of bachelor’s degrees that you can pursue. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision about which degree might best align with your career goals and personal interests.

Bachelor of Science (BS)

A four-year Bachelor of Science (BS) is typically centered around technical and science-based disciplines. This degree often requires more credits related to the major, allowing students to gain a more in-depth understanding of their chosen field.

A BS is heavily tilted toward practical knowledge and skills, making it more suitable for those who enjoy methodical learning and quantitative analysis. Typical BS degrees include:

  • Business: This includes degrees like business administration, where students learn about business principles, management techniques, finance, and marketing.
  • Nursing: This prepares students for a career in health care, focusing on patient care, health science, and clinical practices.
  • Computer Science: This degree involves studying programming, software development, data structures, and algorithms.
  • Engineering: Degrees in this field involve the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design and operate machinery and structures.
  • Biology: This involves the study of living organisms, their structures, functions, growth, and evolution.
  • Mathematics: This degree is centered on theories, principles, and applications of mathematical concepts.

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

A Bachelor of Arts (BA) is an undergraduate degree that emphasizes a liberal arts education, encouraging a broad understanding of various disciplines. It typically requires fewer credits related to the major and allows more flexibility for elective courses, enabling students to gain a broader base of knowledge.

Common BA degrees include:

  • English: Students in this degree study literature, language, and writing, preparing them for careers in fields like education, writing, and journalism.
  • History: This involves studying past events, civilizations, cultures, and historical patterns.
  • Sociology: This involves the study of society, social behavior, and social structures.
  • Psychology: This degree involves studying human behavior, mental processes, and emotional patterns.
  • Philosophy: This involves exploring fundamental questions about existence, reality, knowledge, ethics, and logic.
  • Education: This prepares students for careers in teaching and education administration.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)

A Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree is ideal for students who want to pursue a professional career in the arts. This degree usually requires more studio and practice-based courses, allowing students to develop their artistic skills and portfolios. Typical BFA degrees include:

  • Music: This degree involves studying music theory, composition, and performance, preparing students for careers as musicians or music educators.
  • Theatre: This degree focuses on acting, directing, and theater production.
  • Dance: This degree involves the study and practice of various dance forms.
  • Visual Arts: This includes fields like painting, sculpture, and photography.
  • Creative Writing: This degree focuses on developing writing skills in various genres like fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.

How to Choose the Right Bachelor’s Degree for You

Choosing the right bachelor’s degree involves a careful assessment of your interests, career goals, and personal strengths.

Begin by considering what subjects you’re passionate about, the type of work you envision yourself doing, and the career path you’d like to embark on. Don’t forget to evaluate the course curriculum to ensure it aligns with your career goals.

Reach out to academic advisors and professionals in the field to gain a realistic understanding of what pursuing a certain degree entails. You can learn a lot from people who are using their degrees.

Also, be sure to consider the time commitment, cost, and potential return on investment.

Obtaining a bachelor’s degree is a significant investment in your future. The type of degree you choose should reflect your interests, skills, and career aspirations. Excelsior University offers bachelor’s degrees that cater to a variety of interests and career paths, with the flexibility that adult learners need.

As you stand on the cusp of this critical decision, we encourage you to explore our course offerings, consider your passions and aspirations, and take an empowering step toward your future. Your bachelor’s degree is a journey to personal and professional growth, and we are here to guide and support you every step of the way.